Monday, December 12, 2011

The Hug Bug and Santa

On Saturday, we took J up to the local mall to catch a Charlotte Diamond concert and then visit Santa.


Charlotte Diamond was awesome…J sang along to all of the Christmas songs and some of the other songs and really wanted to take a Hug Bug home with her. It was so much fun!

After the concert we wandered down to the other end of the mall so that J could visit Santa - we had no idea what her reaction was going to be. Last year we didn't go and when she was one, she went twice - and we had mixed reactions.

thats my santa

This year, J saw Santa and was so excited. He walked past us to get to his chair and she started waving and calling his name. Luckily there were only five people in front of us, so J didn't have to wait too long...I'm not sure she would have been able to contain herself.

She brought her That’s Not My Santa book to show Santa. Because she didn’t get to show it to him at the Santa Claus Parade. You know how it is.

santa reading

She checked to make sure his beard was real.

smilng for the camera

Smiled for the camera (sort of).

serious conversation

And then had a very serious conversation about what she might like for Christmas…and the kids at Children’s Hospital…Visiting Santa was a by donation fundraiser for Children’s and we had explained that to J. She asked Santa for a watch and then decided to ask Santa to make all the kids better before Christmas…we were quite proud of our little girl.

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